Minggu, 28 November 2010


Appointment is tells about agreement for meeting. It is good to make an appointment before you meet someone or people.

 Wiil you do go out with me tonight?
 What if we go swimming this afternoon?
 I want to make an appointment to see…. (Dr. Jones)
 I’d like to make an appointment to see… (Dr. Jones)
 Can I come and see you?

 No problem.
 It’s a deal.
 I’ll be there.
 O.K.
 What about….(Thursday)

 Sorry, I can’t.
 I’m sorry, I have another appointment.

Example for appointment :

Arief : Hi,can I talk to Danu ?
Lina : Ya ,it’s me .Who is talking ?
Arief : I ‘m Risa .Sorry to disturb you
Lina : No problem.What’s up ?
Arief : Well,you like to accompany me to Gary’s House this afternoon?
Lina : Yeah.I can
Arief : Okay .I will pick up you at.5.p.m
Lina : Ok .I wait You.

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Palangka Raya, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia
try to be humble girl ^^ i hope, God always bless my life, my family, my study,and everythings in my life. never back down, don't cry lets try. love you all